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Mit neuem CEO nach Amerika

12. September 2012

Das Berliner Real-Time Bidding Technologieunternehmen Sociomantic Labs gibt bekannt Jason Kelly als neuen CEO für die geplante Expansion auf den nordamerikanischen Markt. Jason Kelly war zuvor Chief Revenue Officer bei Admeld, und ist die zweite Führungsperson, die bei Admeld aussteigt, nachdem dieses von Google aufgekauft wurde. Sociomantic wird diesen Monat auch Niederlassungen in São Paulo und Moskau eröffnen.

Jason Kelly

Jason Kelly schein hoch zufrieden: “I’m thrilled to be part of this company, and looking forward to working with Thomas and the tremendously talented team,” Kelly weiter:  “I was intrigued when I was first introduced to the company because I had been following their dramatic growth closely.  After meeting the founders and seeing firsthand how Sociomantic's development team continues to drive technology to the benefit of our clients, I felt compelled to join.  We’re looking forward to accelerating this growth further and providing our unparalleled performance capabilities both here in the US and globally.”

Thomas Brandhoff, Mitbegründer von Sociomantic, zum neuen CEO: “We’ve driven our scale through technology and now that we are expanding globally and into the largest display market, we’re truly excited to have someone of Jason’s caliber at the helm,” Brandhoff weiter: “We had twenty employees at the end of the last business year and will be approaching 100 by the end of this one. So far we’ve been fortunate enough to achieve this scale based purely on organic growth with no outside investment, in large part to our core technology infrastructure and capability. We’re looking forward to seeing what Jason’s broad experience and leadership in the market will do for us within North America and globally.”

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