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Dentsu investiert in Maxifier

28. August 2012

Dentsu Digital Holdings Inc. hat über Dentsu Digital Fund ein strategisches Investement in die den Technologieanbieter Maxifier getätigt. Dies gab der Investor heute bekannt. Maxifiers ADMAX-Software wird von diversen Medienkonzernen in Europa und den USA angewandt, darunter Forbes und der Guardian. Maxifier hat diesen Mai eine eigene Filiale in Tokio eröffnet um in den asiatischen Markt einzusteigen. Die Investoren rechnen mit starkem Wachstum im asiatischen Markt.

Mutsumi Imaizumi, COO at DDH, hierzu: “For DDH, this represents both a monetary investment and a business investment. As well as providing capital investment, we will also be working in partnership with Maxifier to develop opportunities to drive the adoption of solutions that help grow the online advertising market.”

Die Dentsugruppe will vor allem über die Tochter Cyber Communications Inc. mit Maxifier kooperieren und die eventuelle Möglichkeit eines Joint Venture ausleuchten, das dann den gesamten asiatischen Markt abdecken könnte.

Jonathon Shaevitz, CEO at Maxifier, kommentiert: “DDH is committed to investing in businesses that really contribute to the robust development of the entire advertising market. This decision is recognition of the important role Maxifier can play in the growth of online advertising, helping it become more efficient and effective for both publishers and marketers. It also highlights the increasing importance of optimisation in the online advertising environment. We are thrilled to work with one of the leading innovators in global advertising and are excited at the prospect of collaborating in Japan and throughout the rest of Asia.”

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